什么是拟时序分析?拟时序(pseudotime)分析,又称细胞轨迹(cell trajectory)分析。通过拟时序分析可以推断出发育过程中细胞的分化轨迹或细胞亚型的演化过程。我们可以理解为在一堆细胞中包含各种各样不同的发育状态的细胞,有的发育早,有的发育晚,有的分化了,有的未分化,有的处于中间态。利用算法基于基因表达推断每个细胞的相对分化时间,从而确定分化轨迹。Monocle是拟时序分析常用的R包。
Rscript single_cell/cell_trajectory.r -i data/pbmc_ctrl.rds --downsample 100 -o trajectory_result/pbmc_ctrl
usage: single_cell/cell_trajectory.r [-h] -i rds_data [--assay assay]
[--marker.genes marker.genes]
[--gene.list filepath]
[--downsample downsample] [-g group]
[-d density.group] [-n heatmap.gene]
[-c heatmap.clusters] [-H height]
[-W width] [-o path] [-p prefix]
single cell trajectory analysis : http://cole-trapnell-lab.github.io/monocle-
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i rds_data, --rds_data rds_data
input rds_data file path[required]
--assay assay Name of assay to use, defaults to the active assay
[default RNA]
--Customization If set, use Customization [optional, default: False]
--marker.genes marker.genes
Select the method to choose genes that define a cell's
progress. Available methods are:monocle,seurat,deg
[default monocle]
--gene.list filepath input the file of genes that define a cell's progress
[default NULL]
--downsample downsample
subset cells numbers for analysis [default None]
-g group, --group group
the group that coloring the cells by [default
-d density.group, --density.group density.group
the density group that coloring density map [default
-n heatmap.gene, --heatmap.gene heatmap.gene
the number of marker genes used to draw heatmap
[default 20]
-c heatmap.clusters, --heatmap.clusters heatmap.clusters
Number of clusters for the heatmap of branch genes
[default 6]
-H height, --height height
the height of pic inches [default 7]
-W width, --width width
the width of pic inches [default 6]
-o path, --outdir path
output file directory [default
-p prefix, --prefix prefix
out file name prefix [default demo]