GATK Hard-filter 过滤变异结果推荐阈值

GATK Hard-filter 过滤变异结果推荐阈值


GATK4官网给出的推荐阈值:For SNPs:

QD < 2.0
MQ < 40.0
FS > 60.0
SOR > 3.0
MQRankSum < -12.5
ReadPosRankSum < -8.0

 For indels:

QD < 2.0
ReadPosRankSum < -20.0
InbreedingCoeff < -0.8
FS > 200.0
SOR > 10.0

查看GATK4原始网页:该阈值选择来自于GATK4官网的推荐,阈值依据于比较真 vs. 假 snp的特征值(annotation values)统计分布

One of the most helpful ways to approach hard-filtering is to visualize the distribution of annotation values for a truth set called using a particular pipeline. These distributions are sharped by both the pipeline methodology and the underlying physical properties of the sequence data; so for a given pairing of data generation technology + analysis pipeline, you can derive filtering thresholds based on what the distributions look like for the truth set

评估数据来源:1000Genomes 中的 whole genome trio


  • 发表于 2020-06-25 09:38
  • 阅读 ( 7184 )
  • 分类:重测序

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