hclust_analysis.r 转录组数据层次聚类分析

hclust_analysis.r 转录组数据层次聚类分析


usage: hclust_analysis.r [-h] -i filepath [-d distance] [-m method] [-T top]
                         [-S] [-M max.nc] [-k bestk] [-s size] [-a alpha] [-e]
                         [-L] [-X label] [-Y label] [-t label] [-o path]
                         [-H number] [-W number]
Hierarchical Clustering and
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i filepath, --input filepath
                        input the dataset martix [required]
  -d distance, --distance distance
                        the distance measure to be used to compute the
                        dissimilarity matrix. This must be one of:
                        "euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra",
                        "binary", "minkowski" . By default,
  -m method, --method method
                        the cluster analysis method to be used. This should be
                        one of: "ward.D", "ward.D2", "single", "complete",
                        "average", "mcquitty", "median", "centroid". by
                        default method=ward.D
  -T top, --top top     select top gene to analysis [default NULL]
  -S, --scale           scale data sd=1 mean=0 [default FALSE]
  -M max.nc, --max.nc max.nc
                        maximal number of clusters for nbclust, between 2 and
                        (number of objects - 1), greater or equal to min.nc.
                        By default [optional, default: 15]
  -k bestk, --bestk bestk
                        set bestk or nbclust choose bestk [optional, default:

  -X label, --x.lab label
                        the label for x axis [optional, default: sample ]
  -Y label, --y.lab label
                        the label for y axis [optional, default: Distance ]
  -t label, --title label
                        the label for main title [optional, default: Cluster
  -o path, --outdir path
                        output file directory [default cwd]
  -H number, --height number
                        the height of pic inches [default 5]
  -W number, --width number
                        the width of pic inches [default 10]



#第一次运行不指定K,通过nbclust 结果选择合适的K (亚型)
Rscript $scriptdir/hclust_analysis.r -i immu/ssgsea.res.tsv  -o hclust  -M 20 --distance "euclidean"  
Rscript $scriptdir/hclust_analysis.r -i immu/ssgsea.res.tsv  -o hclust   --distance "euclidean" -k 2 


-i  输入基因表达矩阵文件,或者免疫侵润矩阵文件

cell_type TCGA-B7-A5TK-01A-12R-A36D-31 TCGA-BR-7959-01A-11R-2343-13 TCGA-IN-8462-01A-11R-2343-13 TCGA-BR-A4CR-01A-11R-A24K-31 TCGA-CG-4443-01A-01R-1157-13
aDC 0.612131 0.452721 0.434065 0.352635 0.268974
B cells 0.423323 0.40887 0.426612 0.413857 0.289268
Blood vessels 0.681023 0.775439 0.689433 0.577667 0.745019
CD8 T cells 0.675615 0.650073 0.629121 0.566048 0.577315
Cytotoxic cells 0.621056 0.425217 0.411617 0.3128 0.191034
DC 0.619839 0.485056 0.489101 0.266905 0.350132
Eosinophils 0.502785 0.514939 0.469541 0.488051 0.456521
iDC 0.53162 0.498437 0.530931 0.390699 0.420172
Lymph vessels 0.710843 0.721323 0.658391 0.500574 0.400411
Macrophages 0.608271 0.598482 0.552277 0.468531 0.438481
Mast cells 0.480792 0.525927 0.47871 0.24677 0.124795
Neutrophils 0.447672 0.458098 0.393541 0.3105 0.344511
NK CD56bright cells 0.462633 0.418617 0.546094 0.57262 0.460983
NK CD56dim cells 0.341474 0.137147 0.031158 -0.04299 -0.0389
NK cells 0.558123 0.512929 0.507088 0.479542 0.446198
Normal mucosa 0.779444 0.820281 0.806771 0.691384 0.65646
pDC 0.676772 0.647415 0.621186 0.482564 0.552156
SW480 cancer cells 0.534151 0.600236 0.618509 0.412196 0.60535
T cells 0.627056 0.425422 0.399612 0.326116 0.188205
T helper cells 0.669103 0.645407 0.62807 0.650216 0.628577
Tcm 0.562408 0.559951 0.527272 0.516068 0.553444
Tem 0.518952 0.555942 0.410577 0.440007 0.449251
TFH 0.485124 0.477749 0.445061 0.465552 0.446549
Tgd 0.190199 0.110139 0.061648 0.004026 0.023796
Th1 cells 0.563928 0.491736 0.455523 0.426351 0.378701
Th17 cells 0.417275 0.153713 0.218727 0.215026 0.257282
Th2 cells 0.536142 0.478687 0.44716 0.539534 0.416747
TReg 0.682036 0.484761 0.516963 0.30884 0.312123



探究模型确定聚成几类合适 ,用NbClust 包中的 NbClust 函数确定聚类K值 ; 

sum of squared error (SSE)组内平方误差和来确定最佳聚类数目,随着聚类数目增多,每一个类别中数量越来越少,距离越来越近,因此WSS值肯定是随着聚类数目增多而减少的,所以关注的是斜率的变化,但WWS减少得很缓慢时,就认为进一步增大聚类数效果也并不能增强,存在得这个“肘点”就是最佳聚类数目,从一类到二类下降得很快,之后下降得很慢,所以最佳聚类个数选为2。


2. 层次聚类树:



文献1,胃癌免疫侵润层次聚类:Front Oncol (IF: 4.848; Q1). 2021  doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.629909.

文献2,乳腺癌免疫侵润:Clin Cancer Res (IF: 10.107; Q1). 2019 Aug 15;25(16):5002-5014.



  • 发表于 2021-06-21 14:26
  • 阅读 ( 3756 )
  • 分类:TCGA

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