

TCGA 临床数据各列解释: 

Property name Description
kind The resource type.
aliquots[] List of barcodes of aliquots taken from this participant.
clinical_data The clinical data about the participant.
ParticipantBarcode Participant barcode.
Project Project name, .eg. “TCGA”.
Study Tumor type abbreviation, e.g. “BRCA”.
age_at_initial_pathologic_diagnosis Age at which a condition or disease was first diagnosed in years.
anatomic_neoplasm_subdivision Text term to describe the spatial location, subdivisions and/or anatomic site name of a tumor.
batch_number Groups samples by the batch they were processed in.
bcr Biospecimen core resource, e.g. “Nationwide Children’s Hospital”, “Washington University”.
clinical_M Extent of the distant metastasis for the cancer based on evidence obtained from clinical assessment parameters determined prior to treatment.
clinical_N Extent of the regional lymph node involvement for the cancer based on evidence obtained from clinical assessment parameters determined prior to treatment.
clinical_T Extent of the primary cancer based on evidence obtained from clinical assessment parameters determined prior to treatment.
clinical_stage Stage group determined from clinical information on the tumor (T), regional node (N) and metastases (M) and by grouping cases with similar prognosis for cancer.
colorectal_cancer Text term to signify whether a patient has been diagnosed with colorectal cancer.
country Text to identify the name of the state, province, or country in which the sample was procured.
days_to_birth Time interval from a person’s date of birth to the date of initial pathologic diagnosis, represented as a calculated number of days.
days_to_initial_pathologic_diagnosis Numeric value to represent the day of an individual’s initial pathologic diagnosis of cancer.
days_to_last_followup Time interval from the date of last followup to the date of initial pathologic diagnosis, represented as a calculated number of days.
ethnicity The text for reporting information about ethnicity based on the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) categories.
frozen_specimen_anatomic_site Text description of the origin and the anatomic site regarding the frozen biospecimen tumor tissue sample.
gender Text designations that identify gender.
histological_type Text term for the structural pattern of cancer cells used to define a microscopic diagnosis.
history_of_colon_polyps Yes/No indicator to describe if the subject had a previous history of colon polyps as noted in the history/physical or previous endoscopic report(s).
history_of_neoadjuvant_treatment Text term to describe the patient’s history of neoadjuvant treatment and the kind of treament given prior to resection of the tumor.
history_of_prior_malignancy Text term to describe the patient’s history of prior cancer diagnosis and the spatial location of any previous cancer occurrence.
hpv_calls Results of HPV tests.
hpv_status Current HPV status.
icd_10 The tenth version of the International Classification of Disease (ICD).
icd_o_3_histology The third edition of the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology.
icd_o_3_site The third edition of the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology.
lymphatic_invasion A yes/no indicator to ask if malignant cells are present in small or thin-walled vessels suggesting lymphatic involvement.
lymphnodes_examined The yes/no/unknown indicator whether a lymph node assessment was performed at the primary presentation of disease.
lymphovascular_invasion_present The yes/no indicator to ask if large vessel (vascular) invasion or small, thin-walled (lymphatic) invasion was detected in a tumor specimen.
menopause_status Text term to signify the status of a woman’s menopause, the permanent cessation of menses, usually defined by 6 to 12 months of amenorrhea.
mononucleotide_and_dinucleotide_marker_panel_analysis_status Text result of microsatellite instability (MSI) testing at using a mononucleotide and dinucleotide microsatellite panel.
mononucleotide_marker_panel_analysis_status Text result of microsatellite instability (MSI) testing using a mononucleotide microsatellite panel.
neoplasm_histologic_grade Numeric value to express the degree of abnormality of cancer cells, a measure of differentiation and aggressiveness.
new_tumor_event_after_initial_treatment Yes/No/Unknown indicator to identify whether a patient has had a new tumor event after initial treatment.
number_of_lymphnodes_examined The total number of lymph nodes removed and pathologically assessed for disease.
number_of_lymphnodes_positive_by_he Numeric value to signify the count of positive lymph nodes identified through hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining light microscopy.
pathologic_M Code to represent the defined absence or presence of distant spread or metastases (M) to locations via vascular channels or lymphatics beyond the reg...
pathologic_N The codes that represent the stage of cancer based on the nodes present (N stage) according to criteria based on multiple editions of the AJCC’s Cance...
pathologic_stage The extent of a cancer, especially whether the disease has spread from the original site to other parts of the body based on AJCC staging criteria.
pathologic_T Code of pathological T (primary tumor) to define the size or contiguous extension of the primary tumor (T), using staging criteria from the American ...
person_neoplasm_cancer_status The state or condition of an individual’s neoplasm at a particular point in time.
pregnancies Value to describe the number of full-term pregnancies that a woman has experienced.
primary_neoplasm_melanoma_dx Text indicator to signify whether a person had a primary diagnosis of melanoma.
primary_therapy_outcome_success Measure of Success
prior_dx Text term to describe the patient’s history of prior cancer diagnosis and the spatial location of any previous cancer occurrence.
race The text for reporting information about race based on the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) categories.
residual_tumor Text terms to describe the status of a tissue margin following surgical resection.
tobacco_smoking_history Category describing current smoking status and smoking history as self-reported by a patient.
tumor_tissue_site Text term that describes the anatomic site of the tumor or disease.
tumor_type Text term to identify the morphologic subtype of papillary renal cell carcinoma.
vital_status The survival state of the person registered on the protocol.
weiss_venous_invasion The result of an assessment using the Weiss histopathologic criteria.
year_of_initial_pathologic_diagnosis Numeric value to represent the year of an individual’s initial pathologic diagnosis of cancer.
samples[] List of barcodes of samples taken from this participant.
Column NameDescription
CLINICAL_NO Unique identifier for a clinical sample. Oracle sequence generated number.
PATIENT_NO Link to patient table.
SAMPLE_SOURCE Source of the sample (surgery, biopsy, etc.).
SAMPLE_STATE State of the sample (fresh, frozen, etc.).
GRANULARITY Granularity of the sample (grossly dissected, sorted cells, etc.).
TUMOR_TYPE Type of the tumor.
MARGINS Conditions of the margins (Coded: +=positive, -=negative, 0=not applicable, U=unknown).
ANGIO_INVASION Whether there was angio invasion (Coded: Y=Yes, N=No, U=Unknown).
FOCAL Focal (Coded: Uni, Multiple, Unknown).
POST_OP Post operative.
RECURRENCE Tumor recurrence (Coded: Distant, Local, Biochemical, Regional, None, Unknown).
NOTEBOOK_ID Notebook identifier containing original data on the clinical sample.
NOTEBOOK_PAGE Notebook page number.
DATE_CREATED Date record was entered into the database (default=SYSDATE, YYYY-MM-DD).
CREATED_BY Person who entered the record into the database.
DATE_MODIFIED Date record was last updated (default=SYSDATE, YYYY-MM-DD).
MODIFIED_BY Person who last modified the record.
CLINICAL_SAMPLE_ID Identifier to another database.
SAMPLE_SIZE Size of the sample.
SAMPLE_SIZE_UNITS Units of the sample size (Coded: cc=cubic centimeters, cm=centimeters, grams, none).
TIME_PM Time to post-mortem (hours) for sample removal.
ORGAN Organ from which the sample came.
PRIOR_TREATMENT Type of prior treatment (CHEMO, REDIO, HORMONAL, NONE, etc.).
CLINICAL_T Clinical tumor.
CLINICAL_N Clinical node.
CLINICAL_DM Clinical distal metastasis.
TUMOR_GRADE Tumor grade.
TUMOR_SIZE Size of the tumor.
TUMOR_SIZE_UNITS Units of tumor size (Coded: cc=cubic centimeters, cm=centimeters, grams, none).
TIME_DO Time from diagnosis to the operation (days).
TOTAL_LN Total number of lymph nodes.
POSITIVE_LN Total number of positive lymph nodes.
PATH_T Pathological tumor.
PATH_N Pathological node.
PATH_DM Pathological distal metastasis.
TIME_OR Time from operation to recurrence (days).
NOTEBOOK_LOCATION Notebook location.
SAMPLE_NOTES Additional notes on the clinical sample.


  • 发表于 2021-08-02 12:46
  • 阅读 ( 13367 )
  • 分类:TCGA

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