merge_metadata_genexpdata.r 在metadata中添加基因表达数据

merge_metadata_genexpdata.r 在metadata中添加基因表达数据


metadata添加基因表达结果。 基因表达文件行为不同基因,列为不同样本, 只要是列为不同样本的文件都可以用这个脚本合并到metadata中;

$Rscript $scriptdir/merge_metadata_genexpdata.r -h
usage: /share/nas1/huangls/test/TCGA_immu/scripts/merge_metadata_genexpdata.r
       [-h] -m metadata -g expset -b by [--log2] [-o outdir] [-p prefix]
merge metadata and gene expression:
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m metadata, --metadata metadata
                        input metadata file path with suvival time [required]
  -g expset, --expset expset
                        input gene expression set file [required]
  -b by, --by by        input sample ID column name in metadata [required]
  --log2                whether do log2 transfrom for expression data
                        [optional, default: False]
  -o outdir, --outdir outdir
                        output file directory [default cwd]
  -p prefix, --prefix prefix
                        out file name prefix [default cox]


-m  指定metadata文件:

barcode patient sample shortLetterCode definition sample_submitter_id sample_type_id sample_id sample_type
TCGA-B7-A5TK-01A-12R-A36D-31 TCGA-B7-A5TK TCGA-B7-A5TK-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-B7-A5TK-01A 1 58937d2c-b4c3-4992-a95c-d0d1fa73f1a9 Primary Tumor
TCGA-BR-7959-01A-11R-2343-13 TCGA-BR-7959 TCGA-BR-7959-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-BR-7959-01A 1 c8fc5fb2-ded2-48af-a87d-36c367a3330d Primary Tumor
TCGA-IN-8462-01A-11R-2343-13 TCGA-IN-8462 TCGA-IN-8462-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-IN-8462-01A 1 26509d1e-253b-463c-8654-589929889fbe Primary Tumor
TCGA-BR-A4CR-01A-11R-A24K-31 TCGA-BR-A4CR TCGA-BR-A4CR-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-BR-A4CR-01A 1 76165733-85ca-47d0-a82a-f64fa9b1b834 Primary Tumor
TCGA-CG-4443-01A-01R-1157-13 TCGA-CG-4443 TCGA-CG-4443-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-CG-4443-01A 1 f4fb736a-42c9-4367-a327-d0d1c4cba359 Primary Tumor
TCGA-KB-A93J-01A-11R-A39E-31 TCGA-KB-A93J TCGA-KB-A93J-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-KB-A93J-01A 1 888711a8-8ffd-49bb-aa85-7455c07f1ad5 Primary Tumor
TCGA-BR-4371-01A-01R-1157-13 TCGA-BR-4371 TCGA-BR-4371-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-BR-4371-01A 1 95d6e839-a21b-4266-b7f8-e47fab262af3 Primary Tumor
TCGA-IN-A6RO-01A-12R-A33Y-31 TCGA-IN-A6RO TCGA-IN-A6RO-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-IN-A6RO-01A 1 c6e17043-a145-4cc3-b889-4f499b17dbf3 Primary Tumor
TCGA-HU-A4H3-01A-21R-A251-31 TCGA-HU-A4H3 TCGA-HU-A4H3-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-HU-A4H3-01A 1 cd33e854-1bdf-42e0-83e7-256c723c5b55 Primary Tumor
TCGA-RD-A8MV-01A-11R-A36D-31 TCGA-RD-A8MV TCGA-RD-A8MV-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-RD-A8MV-01A 1 f7a464d1-9939-4ab8-a03b-f2962e618817 Primary Tumor
TCGA-VQ-A91X-01A-12R-A414-31 TCGA-VQ-A91X TCGA-VQ-A91X-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-VQ-A91X-01A 1 288b0130-6744-495e-bd99-da6f6b5f6953 Primary Tumor
TCGA-D7-8575-01A-11R-2343-13 TCGA-D7-8575 TCGA-D7-8575-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-D7-8575-01A 1 71efd38a-03a9-488d-bde2-18b17559c775 Primary Tumor
TCGA-BR-4257-01A-01R-1131-13 TCGA-BR-4257 TCGA-BR-4257-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-BR-4257-01A 1 97b44b05-97eb-486c-94db-42838831de0b Primary Tumor
TCGA-BR-8485-01A-11R-2402-13 TCGA-BR-8485 TCGA-BR-8485-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-BR-8485-01A 1 2f1460ea-827b-4c51-86a5-2d85771888bb Primary Tumor
TCGA-BR-4370-01A-01R-1157-13 TCGA-BR-4370 TCGA-BR-4370-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-BR-4370-01A 1 cfb7901b-e4e1-42fe-802d-dcd34f8c4912 Primary Tumor
TCGA-D7-A748-01A-12R-A32D-31 TCGA-D7-A748 TCGA-D7-A748-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-D7-A748-01A 1 308bca2d-6e27-4da9-9a07-b0eb88437953 Primary Tumor
TCGA-VQ-A91Z-01A-11R-A414-31 TCGA-VQ-A91Z TCGA-VQ-A91Z-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-VQ-A91Z-01A 1 ec6ed61a-1d7e-4057-9ac2-dd1ed2accfb0 Primary Tumor
TCGA-RD-A7C1-01A-11R-A32D-31 TCGA-RD-A7C1 TCGA-RD-A7C1-01A TP Primary solid Tumor TCGA-RD-A7C1-01A 1 b905ac72-aae1-4e6e-b560-46b9f4f9ef5f Primary Tumor

-g  指定要合并的 文件:

cell_type TCGA-B7-A5TK-01A-12R-A36D-31 TCGA-BR-7959-01A-11R-2343-13 TCGA-IN-8462-01A-11R-2343-13 TCGA-BR-A4CR-01A-11R-A24K-31 TCGA-CG-4443-01A-01R-1157-13 TCGA-KB-A93J-01A-11R-A39E-31 TCGA-BR-4371-01A-01R-1157-13 TCGA-IN-A6RO-01A-12R-A33Y-31 TCGA-HU-A4H3-01A-21R-A251-31 TCGA-RD-A8MV-01A-11R-A36D-31
B cells naive 0.041806 0.119034 0.275451 0.243789 0.118753 0.097526 0.087438 0.110736 0.091899 0.114157
B cells memory 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Plasma cells 0.005778 0.009967 0.04908 0 0 0.009401 0.006596 0.012819 0.004326 0.001989
T cells CD8 0.399813 0.081383 0.052203 0.032568 0 0.017233 0.042146 0.074234 0.192331 0.10848
T cells CD4 naive 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T cells CD4 memory resting 0 0.163605 0.158559 0.205805 0.161354 0.197031 0.445467 0.207407 0.095721 0.173691
T cells CD4 memory activated 0.222587 0.056429 0.022786 0.026488 0.008663 0.049117 0.016507 0.062309 0.132577 0.077914
T cells follicular helper 0.006564 0 0 0.007444 0 0.01711 0.009081 0.060454 0.040637 0.056979
T cells regulatory (Tregs) 0 0.034066 0.08263 0.040602 0.001932 0.038297 0 0.052859 0.052045 0.045091
T cells gamma delta 0 0 0 0 0 0.008108 0 0.00487 0 0
NK cells resting 0 0.034875 0 0.02808 0.031821 0 0.018045 0.006281 0.023437 0.029263
NK cells activated 0.00696 0 0.029651 0 0 0.047286 0 0.004472 0.007489 0
Monocytes 0.005411 0.013788 0.007133 0 0.02435 0.002008 0.013182 0 0 0.00139
Macrophages M0 0.014514 0.090352 0.025032 0.104725 0.16705 0.224299 0.078476 0.117533 0.068365 0.109002
Macrophages M1 0.135967 0.103223 0.100643 0.012271 0 0.080839 0.078876 0.122465 0.063667 0.103607
Macrophages M2 0.089259 0.159524 0.044703 0.137346 0.428193 0.156385 0.101052 0.10287 0.071646 0.077649
Dendritic cells resting 0.014316 0.019249 0.059299 0.006178 0 0.022708 0.043902 0 0 0.004566



Rscript $scriptdir/merge_metadata_genexpdata.r -m  ../08.Nomogram/nomogram_metadata.tsv -g ../03.TIME/immu/timer.res.tsv \
   -b barcode -p metadata_risk_score_timer


  • 发表于 2021-08-30 17:44
  • 阅读 ( 2575 )
  • 分类:TCGA

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