plink 软件core dumped报错

在使用plink1.9版本时遇到core dumped报错,运行命令如下: /share/work/biosoft/plink/plink_v1.9/plink --vcf  /share/nas1/wangq/project/pop_test/pop_cucu_demo/work/ann/1.qc_filter/fil...

在使用plink1.9版本时遇到core dumped报错,运行命令如下:

/share/work/biosoft/plink/plink_v1.9/plink --vcf  /share/nas1/wangq/project/pop_test/pop_cucu_demo/work/ann/1.qc_filter/filtered_snp.vcf.gz --make-bed --extract --out LDfiltered --recode vcf-iid  --keep-allele-order  --allow-extra-chr --set-missing-var-ids @:#


PLINK v1.90b3.32 64-bit (24 Feb 2016)
(C) 2005-2016 Shaun Purcell, Christopher Chang   GNU General Public License v3
Logging to LDfiltered.log.
Options in effect:
  --out LDfiltered
  --recode vcf-iid
  --set-missing-var-ids @:#
  --vcf /share/nas1/wangq/project/pop_test/pop_cucu_demo/work/ann/1.qc_filter/filtered_snp.vcf.gz
128701 MB RAM detected; reserving 64350 MB for main workspace.
--vcf: LDfiltered-temporary.bed + LDfiltered-temporary.bim +
LDfiltered-temporary.fam written.
9696 variants loaded from .bim file.
9696 missing IDs set.
114 people (0 males, 0 females, 114 ambiguous) loaded from .fam.
Ambiguous sex IDs written to LDfiltered.nosex .
--extract: 435 variants remaining.
Using 1 thread (no multithreaded calculations invoked.
Before main variant filters, 114 founders and 0 nonfounders present.
Calculating allele frequencies... done.
Total genotyping rate is 0.952531.
435 variants and 114 people pass filters and QC.
Note: No phenotypes present.
--make-bed to LDfiltered.bed + LDfiltered.bim + LDfiltered.fam ... done.
--recode vcf-iid to LDfiltered.vcf ... done.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)



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