$Rscript scripts/seurat_sc_qc.r -h
usage: scripts/seurat_sc_qc.r [-h] [-i count] [--sep sep] [-d data.dir]
[--gene.column gene.column] [--rds rds]
[--project project]
[--metadata.col.name metadata.col.name [metadata.col.name ...]]
[--metadata.value metadata.value [metadata.value ...]]
[--metadata metadata] [--nGene.max nGene.max]
[--nGene.min nGene.min] [--nUMI.min nUMI.min]
[--nUMI.max nGene.max] [--min.cells min.cells]
[--percent_mito percent_mito]
[--mito.gene.pattern mito.gene.pattern]
[--percent_hb percent_hb]
[--hb.gene.pattern hb.gene.pattern]
[--percent_ribo percent_ribo]
[--ribo.gene.pattern ribo.gene.pattern]
[--percent_pt percent_pt]
[--pt.gene.pattern pt.gene.pattern]
[--downsample downsample]
[--legend.position legend.position [legend.position ...]]
[--group.by group.by] [-H height] [-W width]
[-o outdir] [-p prefix]
Seurat single cell qc analysis : https://nbisweden.github.io/workshop-
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i count, --count count
input read count file , csv or tsv format[ optional]
--sep sep the field separator character for count file; Values
on each line of thefile are separated by this
character. If ‘sep = ""’ (the default for
‘read.table’) the separator is ‘white space’,that is
one or more spaces, tabs, newlines or carriage
returns.[default tab]
-d data.dir, --data.dir data.dir
input read count from 10X cellranger
filtered.feature.bc.matrix.dir [optional]
--gene.column gene.column
Specify which column of genes.tsv or features.tsv to
use for gene names when 10X cellranger data; default
is 2 [optional default 2]
--rds rds input seurat rds format[ optional]
--project project Project name for the ‘Seurat’ object [default
--metadata.col.name metadata.col.name [metadata.col.name ...]
column name for meta data . [default None]
--metadata.value metadata.value [metadata.value ...]
column value for meta data. [default None]
--metadata metadata metadata table file to add metadata , must tsv format.
[default None]
--nGene.max nGene.max
filter cells that detect genes more than this value
[default None]
--nGene.min nGene.min
filter cells that detect genes less than this value
[default 200]
--nUMI.min nUMI.min filter cells that detect nUMI less than this value
[default None]
--nUMI.max nGene.max filter cells that detect nUMI more than this value
[default None]
--min.cells min.cells
Include genes detected in at least this many cells.
Will subset the counts matrix as well. To reintroduce
excluded genes, create a new object with a lower
cutoff. [default 3]
--percent_mito percent_mito
Filters cells with mitochondrial gene content greater
than this value, [0-100] [default None]
--mito.gene.pattern mito.gene.pattern
A regex pattern to match features against
mitochondrial gene ID [default " ^MT.*-] "
--percent_hb percent_hb
Filters cells with hemoglobin (hb) gene content
greater than this value, [0-100] [default None]
--hb.gene.pattern hb.gene.pattern
A regex pattern to match features against hemoglobin
gene ID [default " ^HB[^(P)]]"
--percent_ribo percent_ribo
Filters cells with ribosomal (ribo) gene content
greater than this value, [0-100] [default None]
--ribo.gene.pattern ribo.gene.pattern
A regex pattern to match features against ribosomal
(ribo) gene ID [default " ^RP[SL]]"
--percent_pt percent_pt
Filters cells with mitochondrial gene content greater
than this value, [0-100] [default None]
--pt.gene.pattern pt.gene.pattern
A regex pattern to match features against chloroplast
(pt) gene ID [default None]
--downsample downsample
subset cells numbers for analysis [default None]
--legend.position legend.position [legend.position ...]
the position of legends ("none", "left", "right",
"bottom", "top", or two-element numeric
vector)[default none]
--group.by group.by group color column name in metadata [default None]
-H height, --height height
the height of pic inches [default 4]
-W width, --width width
the width of pic inches [default 4]
-o outdir, --outdir outdir
output file directory [default
-p prefix, --prefix prefix
out file name prefix [default demo]