### 自己手动运行#链接文件过来,qiime2分析的table和序列ln -s ../4.export_data/feature_table_tax.biom .ln -s ../4.export_data/dna-sequences.fasta .
#PICRUSt2提供流程一键完成f分析picrust2_pipeline.py -s dna-sequences.fasta -i feature_table_tax.biom -o picrust2_out_pipeline -p 20
#后续分析结果整理metagenome_pipeline.py -i feature_table_tax.biom -m picrust2_out_pipeline/marker_predicted_and_nsti.tsv.gz -f picrust2_out_pipeline/EC_predicted.tsv.gz \ -o EC_metagenome_out --strat_outadd_descriptions.py -i EC_metagenome_out/pred_metagenome_unstrat.tsv.gz -m EC \ -o EC_metagenome_out/pred_metagenome_unstrat_descrip.tsv.gzconvert_table.py EC_metagenome_out/pred_metagenome_contrib.tsv.gz \ -c contrib_to_legacy \ -o EC_metagenome_out/pred_metagenome_contrib.legacy.tsv.gz
pathway_pipeline.py -i EC_metagenome_out/pred_metagenome_contrib.tsv.gz \ -o pathways_out -p 10add_descriptions.py -i pathways_out/path_abun_unstrat.tsv.gz -m METACYC \ -o pathways_out/path_abun_unstrat_descrip.tsv.gz
另外,PICRUSt2可以作为插件安装到qiime2 中,利用qiime2的插件也可以分析:
# ########################## qiime2 插件:conda activate qiime2-2023.7 激活qiime2环境#链接文件过来ln -s ../3.asv_taxonomy/feature-table-final.qza .ln -s ../3.asv_taxonomy/repset-seqs-final.qza .
# qiime2 插件运行qiime picrust2 full-pipeline \ --i-table feature-table-final.qza \ --i-seq repset-seqs-final.qza \ --output-dir q2-picrust2_output \ --p-placement-tool sepp \ --p-threads 20 \ --p-hsp-method pic \ --p-max-nsti 2 \ --verbose
#绘制 汇总展示qiime feature-table summarize \ --i-table q2-picrust2_output/pathway_abundance.qza \ --o-visualization q2-picrust2_output/pathway_abundance.qzv
qiime feature-table summarize \ --i-table q2-picrust2_output/ec_metagenome.qza \ --o-visualization q2-picrust2_output/ec_metagenome.qzv
qiime feature-table summarize \ --i-table q2-picrust2_output/ko_metagenome.qza \ --o-visualization q2-picrust2_output/ko_metagenome.qzv
#功能多样性分析qiime diversity core-metrics \ --i-table q2-picrust2_output/pathway_abundance.qza \ --p-sampling-depth 226702 \ --m-metadata-file $fastmap \ --output-dir pathabun_core_metrics_out \ --p-n-jobs 10
#导出 功能风度表格qiime tools export \ --input-path q2-picrust2_output/pathway_abundance.qza \ --output-path pathabun_exported
#转换格式biom convert \ -i pathabun_exported/feature-table.biom \ -o pathabun_exported/feature-table.biom.tsv \ --to-tsv
# Load metadata as a tibble# data(metadata)metadata <- read_delim("..//fastmap.ckd.txt", delim = "\t", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)
#数据读入#qza(qiime2插件结果) qza=read_qza("pathway_abundance.qza")abundance_data=qza$data#picrust2分析结果abundance_data <- read.delim("path_abun_unstrat.tsv.gz",row.names = 1,header = T,check.names = F)
# 功能PCAf分析pathway_pca(abundance = abundance_data, metadata = metadata, "type")
# Perform pathway DAA using ALDEx2 method# Please change column_to_rownames() to the feature column if you are not using example dataset# Please change group to "your_group_column" if you are not using example datasetdaa_results_df <- pathway_daa(abundance = abundance_data , metadata = metadata, group = "type", daa_method = "ALDEx2", select = NULL, reference = NULL)
# Filter results for ALDEx2_Kruskal-Wallace test methoddaa_sub_method_results_df <- daa_results_df[daa_results_df$method == "ALDEx2_Wilcoxon rank test", ]
# Annotate pathway results without KO to KEGG conversion
daa_annotated_sub_method_results_df <- pathway_annotation(pathway = pathway, daa_results_df = daa_sub_method_results_df, ko_to_kegg = F)# Generate pathway error bar plot# Please change column_to_rownames() to the feature column# Please change Group to metadata$your_group_column if you are not using example datasetpathway_errorbar(abundance = abundance_data , daa_results_df = daa_annotated_sub_method_results_df, Group = metadata$type, p_values_threshold = 0.05, order = "group", select = daa_annotated_sub_method_results_df %>% arrange(p_adjust) %>% slice(1:20) %>% dplyr::select(feature) %>% pull(), ko_to_kegg = FALSE, p_value_bar = TRUE, colors = NULL, x_lab = "description")
#下载镜像 docker pull omicsclass/ampliseq:v2.0 #启动镜像: docker run --rm -it -v ~/ampliseq/:/work omicsclass/ampliseq:v2.0
Douglas, G.M., Maffei, V.J., Zaneveld, J.R. et al. for prediction of metagenome functions. Nat Biotechnol 38, 685–688 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-020-0548-6
Chen Yang, Jiahao Mai, Xuan Cao, Aaron Burberry, Fabio Cominelli, Liangliang Zhang, ggpicrust2: an R package for PICRUSt2 predicted functional profile analysis and visualization, Bioinformatics, Volume 39, Issue 8, August 2023, btad470, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btad470