
一本系统详尽讲述植物病毒的书-Plant Virology Protocols(文末有获取方式),堪称病毒学研究里程碑式巨制。主要内容是如何鉴定组装植物病毒!

植物病毒病被称为植物不死的癌症,历史上人类与植物病毒爱恨纠葛,16世纪荷兰碎色花瓣郁金香被世人追捧;18世纪欧洲马铃薯退化病却威胁数百万人粮食安全。据统计,现已发现700多种植物病毒病,危害147种作物,是目前病害中危害最大,防治最难的一类病害 。

随着基因组学和细胞学技术的发展,现在有很多手段对各种病毒进行检测鉴定以及对病毒的生态学和病原性及其与宿主相互作用进行深入研究。最近小编就看了随着基因组学和细胞学技术的发展,现在有很多手段对各种病毒进行检测鉴定以及对病毒的生态学和病原性及其与宿主相互作用进行深入研究。最近小编就看了一本系统详尽讲述植物病毒的书-Plant Virology Protocols(文末有获取方式),堪称病毒学研究里程碑式巨制。










Plant Virology Protocols
New Approaches to Detect Viruses and Host Responses


1 Detection of Plant Viruses in Mixed Infection by a Macroarray-Assisted Method . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . . . 1
2 RT-PCR and Real-Time RT-PCR Methods for the Detection
of Potato Virus Y in Potato Leaves and Tubers. . . ......................................................................  13
3 A New Method to Isolate Total dsRNA. . . . . . . ........................................................................ 27
4 Multiplex RT-PCR Method for the Simultaneous Detection
of Nine Grapevine Viruses. . . . . . . . . . . ..............................................................  39
5 Detection Methods for Rice Viruses by a Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (RT-LAMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . . . . 49
6 Real-Time PCR Protocols for the Quantification of the Begomovirus Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Sardinia Virus in Tomato Plants and in Its Insect Vector . . . . . . . . . . . .  61
7 Detection and Analysis of Non-retroviral RNA Virus-Like Elements in Plant, Fungal, and Insect Genomes . . . . .  73
8 Detection of Plant Viruses in Natural Environments by Using RNA-Seq . . . . ........................................ 89
9 Cloning and Profiling of Small RNAs from Cucumber Mosaic Virus Satellite RNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99
10 Drawing siRNAs of Viral Origin Out from Plant siRNAs Libraries. . . . . ............................ . . . . 111
11 Viral Detection by High-Throughput Sequencing. . . ........................................................ 125
12 Analysis and Application of Viroid-Specific Small RNAs
Generated by Viroid-Inducing RNA Silencing. . . . . . ........................................................ 135
13 Detection and Characterization of Mycoviruses in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi by Deep-Sequencing . . . .... 171
14 SuperSAGE as an Analytical Tool for Host and Viral Gene Expression. . . . . . ................................. 181
15 Microarray Analysis of R-Gene-Mediated Resistance to Viruses . . . . . . . ......................... . . . . 197
16 Construction of Infectious cDNA Clones Derived from the Potyviruses Clover Yellow Vein Virus and Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
17 Virus-Induced Gene Silencing of N Gene in Tobacco by Apple Latent Spherical Virus Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . .  229
18 Simplified Methods for the Construction of RNA and DNA Virus Infectious Clones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
19 Efficient Double-Stranded RNA Production Methods for Utilization in Plant Virus Control . . . . . . . . . .  255
20 Detection of Plant Virus in Meristem by Immunohistochemistryand In Situ Hybridization . . . . ............. 275
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................................ 289



1. 微阵列芯片法检测植物中混合侵染的病毒..........................................1
2. RT-PCR和实时定量PCR方法检测马铃薯叶片及块茎中马铃薯Y病毒...............13
3. 一种新的分离总double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)的方法.....................…..27
4. 多重RT-PCR法检测9种葡萄病毒............................................39
5. RT-LAMP(环介导等温扩增法)检测水稻病毒................................49
6. 番茄及粉虱中番茄黄叶卷曲撒丁病毒实时定量PCR检测流程....................61
7. 植物、真菌、昆虫中内源性非逆转录RNA病毒检测............................73
8. RNA-seq方法检测自然环境下植物病毒.....................................…89
9. 病毒微卫星RNA中小RNA的表达模式检测及克隆..............................…99
10. 植物siRNA测序数据中鉴定病毒siRNA及分析方法...........................111
11. 高通量测序鉴定病毒..................................................…125
12. 类病毒诱导RNA沉默产生的类病毒特异小RNA分析及应用......…..............135
13. 深度测序鉴定丛枝菌根真菌病毒........................................…171
14. SuperSAGE分析病毒和宿主基因表达......................................181
15. 微阵列芯片分析R-Gene介导的对病毒的防卫反应......…....................197
16. 波状三叶草黄血管病毒和豆类黄花叶病毒的侵染性cDNA克隆的构建........…..219
17. 苹果潜隐球形病毒诱导烟草N Gene的基因沉默.............................229
18. 构建RNA和DNA病毒侵染性克隆的简化方法..............................…..241
19. 利用双链RNA的生成进行植物病毒侵染防控的方法.......................…..255
20. 免疫组织化学及原位杂交法检测植物分生组织内病毒....................…….275


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  • 发表于 2018-04-21 22:56
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