



[1].   新建一个项目,使用新的进化树“(A:0.1,(B:0.2,(C:0.3,D:0.4)100:0.05)100:0.1)90:0.43;”。

[2].   数据集格式如下:

!legendTitle	Example of heatmap      #图例说明
!showLegends	1                       #是否显示图例  0:隐藏,1:显示
#!defaultStrokeColor	pink
#!defaultStrokeWidth	2
!colorgradient	blue, yellow,red        #使用指定的颜色生成颜色渐变
!colorgradientMarkLabel	0,5,10,15,20,25        #图例中颜色梯度
# -- heatmap column labels --
!showHeatMapColumnLabel	1          #是否显示热图列标签
!heatmapColumnLabels	e1,e2,e3,control       #设置热图列标签
# -- heatmap --
!heatmap	margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=2    #热图显示设置
# -- show data value
!showdataValue	show=1,fontsize=12,fontitalic=0,textalign=start     #数据显示设置
A	-2,3,5,0
B	7,9,10,23
C	13,15,19,8
D	20,22,25,4

[3].   结果展示如下


The following 'modifiers' (Key-Value pairs) are supported for heatmap:

universal modifiers
!Title or !Legendtexttitle of the legend; default = name of the dataset
!ShowLegends0 or 10 : hide legends; 1 : show legends
!opacityfloat number between 0 to 1opacity of the dataset
modifiers shared with Bar Charts and Dot plotsmodifiers that apply to both Bar Charts, Dot Plots and Heatmap
!gridlabel or !axis or !showHeatMapColumnLabelnone, or any integer; 0 : hide column labels; >= 1: show column labels; note: using !showHeatMapColumnLabel here is recommendedshow heatmap column labels (note: does not work in circular modes)
!columnLabelStyletweak column label styles; see section 'colum label style' for detail
!defaultStrokeWidthany value >= 0stroke width that applies to both legends and the chart
!defaultStrokeColorany valid color name such as red and yellow and html hex color such as #FF00FFstroke color that applies to both legends and the chart; see more about stroke colors; also see the section bellow
heatmap specific
!colorgradient or !colorspectrumtwo or more valid colors separated by ','; a color gradient will be generated using the specified colors (see more examples bellow); this modifier is mandatoryvalid colors include html color names (such as red, yellow, lightblue; see here for a complete list of supported html color names) as well as html hex colors such as #FF00FF
!colorgradientMarkLabel or !colorgradientMarkLabelsone or more valid numbers separated by ',' such as -3,2,5,7,9,10.5; see bellow for more examplesnumbers to be plotted in the legend next to the color gradient
!heatmapColumnLabel or !heatmapColumnLabels orone or more text strings separated by ',', such as trait 1,trait 2,control; see bellow for more examplestexts to be plotted on the top of the heatmap, each text string corresponds to a column of the heatmap; NOTE not implemented yet in circular mode
!colorGradientPixelHeight or !colorGradientHeightany integer > 1pixel height of the color gradient in the legend, default = 100
!colorGradientPixelWidth or !colorGradientWidthany integer > 1pixel width of the color gradient in the legend, default = 15
!heatmapsee section the !heatmap modifieroptional
show data valuessee section show data value for more details
unsupported modifiersmodifiers that are not supported in Heatmap
!Groups or !LegendText
!LegendStyle or !Style
!LegendColors or !Colors

详细信息也可参考官方文档说明  http://www.evolgenius.info/evolview/#login


1. 文章越来越难发?是你没发现新思路,基因家族分析发2-4分文章简单快速,学习链接:基因家族分析实操课程

2. 转录组数据理解不深入?图表看不懂?点击链接学习深入解读数据结果文件,学习链接:转录组(有参)结果解读转录组(无参)结果解读

3. 转录组数据深入挖掘技能-WGCNA,提升你的文章档次,学习链接:WGCNA-加权基因共表达网络分析

4. 转录组数据怎么挖掘?学习链接:转录组标准分析后的数据挖掘

5. 微生物16S/ITS/18S分析原理及结果解读

6. 更多学习内容:linux、perl、R语言画图,更多免费课程请点击以下链接:


  • 发表于 2019-01-18 16:26
  • 阅读 ( 4719 )
  • 分类:软件工具

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