请问为什么GWAS用tassel mlm模型画的manhattan图什么都没有呢 也没有报错 能生成一个什么都没有的图片 只有坐标和题

 ../../script/gwas_manhattan_plot.r -i mlm_pvalue.txt -F msu7.0_bowtie2.fa.fai -T Grains_per_panicle -n grains_per_panicle_manhattan -c 1.3e-6

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Loading required package: ggplot2

input chromosome name: chr01 chr02 chr03 chr04 chr05 chr06 chr07 chr08 chr09 chr10 chr11 chr12

fa index chr name: Chr1 Chr2 Chr3 Chr4 Chr5 Chr6 Chr7 Chr8 Chr9 Chr10 Chr11 Chr12

null device


null device


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Wang J


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