老师你好,在用ALLHIC1或者2的时候都报错,均有显示[E::idx_find_and_load] Could not retrieve index file for '/work/genome/assembly/output/docker/GM/30.ALLHiC2/sample.bwa_mem.bam'。但该地址下是有该文件的。
第三个报错是颜色的配置“/share/work/biosoft/ALLHiC/ALLHiC/bin/ALLHiC_plot:137: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: You are modifying the state of a globally registered colormap. This has been deprecated since 3.3 and in 3.6, you will not be able to modify a registered colormap in-place. To remove this warning, you can make a copy of the colormap first. cmap = mpl.cm.get_cmap("YlOrRd").copy()
/share/work/biosoft/ALLHiC/ALLHiC/bin/ALLHiC_plot:176: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: You are modifying the state of a globally registered colormap. This has been deprecated since 3.3 and in 3.6, you will not be able to modify a registered colormap in-place. To remove this warning, you can make a copy of the colormap first. cmap = mpl.cm.get_cmap("YlOrRd").copy()
cmap.set_over('black') ”