root@77146ac2bf18 21:42:19 /work/my_gwas/09.gwas_emmax]# emmax-kin-intel64 -v -d 10 -o ./pop.kinship.BN snp_var
Reading TFAM file snp_var.tfam ....
Memory allocated, nrows = 258, nheadercols = 6, nvaluecols = 0
Freeing cmat
Freeing cheaders
Memory freed
Identified 258 individuals from TFAM file
Setting # unit lines = 1937726 to fit the memory requirement
Reading TPED file snp_var.tped ....
Reading 0 SNPs
Reading 10000 SNPs
Reading 20000 SNPs
Reading 30000 SNPs
Reading 40000 SNPs
Reading 50000 SNPs
Reading 60000 SNPs
Reading 70000 SNPs
Reading 80000 SNPs
Reading 90000 SNPs
Reading 100000 SNPs
Succesfully finished reading TPED file
Printing the kinship matrix to file snp_var.