我在call snp,使用GATK导入db,得到的结果中没有callset.json文件,我一共15条染色体,db文件夹里只有两个染色体的文件夹内容,麻烦老师解答

这是我的命令gatk  --java-options "-Xmx60g" GenomicsDBImport  \

-L chrB6 -L chrB1 -L chrA1 -L chrA4 -L chrA7 -L chrB7 -L chrA2 -L chrB2 -L chrA3 -L chrA5 -L chrB5 -L ScaffoldUN -L chrA6 -L chrB4 -L chrB3 --tmp-dir $tmpdir  -R $REF --batch-size 5 \

--reader-threads 5 --max-num-intervals-to-import-in-parallel 5 \

--genomicsdb-workspace-path db --sample-name-map cohort.sample_map

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报错是这样的:WARN  GenomicsDBImport - GenomicsDBImport cannot use multiple VCF reader threads for initialization when the number of intervals is greater than 1. Falling back to serial VCF reader initialization.

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