使用GATKA中的 IndexFeatureFile 工具来构建索引。gatk --java-options "-Xmx50g" IndexFeatureFile -I **.g.vcf.gz
The problem is in the zipped (g.vcf.gz) files, for big genomes (chromosomes with size of > 500 mbp), the tbi index format can handle chromosomes up to ~ 530 Mbp. Indexing with csi is the option for large genomes with large chromosomes, but unfortunately, CombineGVCF and GenomicsDB don't accept it.
The only solution I found, is to work with unzipped g.vcf files (g.vcf)
Indexing with tabix is mandatory for gzipped vcf files (g.vcf.gz).
If files are unzipped, tbi indexing is not required. And it seems that GenomicsDB and combineGVCFs work ok with unzipped gVCF files.
gunzip demo.g.vcf.gz
gatk --java-options "-Xmx50g" IndexFeatureFile -I demo.g.vcf